

  • Error: An error occurred while remeshing. Try to re-restart Blender and re-try.

    This error appears because of Blender remesher. We are working on a solution, for the moment the workaround if this happens is to save the file, close Blender and re-try.

  • Error: An error occurred while binding the mesh. Try with different Coverage and Resolution settings, or change Close Cage Method.

    This error occurs because Blender can not bind the generated cage with the mesh. Try the following: * Decrease Coverage by steps of 0.05 * Increase/decrease Remesh Resolution by steps of around 100/300 * Change Close Cage method * Change Deform method to Mesh Deform. Use this only as last resource, as this method has some limitations, see Deform Method.

Physics Simulation

  • Cages are not simulating physics correctly.

    Sometime Blender caches the physics and does not flush them when a new simulation is started. To solve most of the issues, you should go in the Physics Cloth settings of the cage and manually change the final frame value on the Cache tab. This will force Blender to consider the current cache obsolete.

Cage generation

  • The Create Cage button can not be clicked (it’s grey) when I select a bone.

    The only bones accepted are the ones with Deform activated. This prevents generation of cages with 0 vertices.

    Sometime advanced rigs use proxy bones. You might need to search for bones in other layers, to find the actual deforming ones.

  • Generated cages are not enclosing the whole mesh.

    Try to disable Clean Selection.


If you enable the console (on Windows, press F3 and search for Toggle System Console), some debug infos will be written when the cage is generated. If an un-documented error happens, please send use the content of your console to help us fix the error.